Envu is Bed Bug HQ

Unmatched solutions. Unrivaled expertise. Unparalleled partnership.

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Envu doesn’t just know bed bugs. They know how to control bed bugs. With an ecosystem of thought leaders dedicated to collaborating with you, the experts in the field, Envu is at the forefront of innovation, leveraging your knowledge and providing a suite of solutions to help get bed bugs under control, restore peace and fight back against society’s sleepless nights.

TruDetx™ Bed Bug Rapid Test | Detects even low-level bed bug infestations with over 90% accuracy.1

Temprid® FX Insecticide | The #1 product for treating bed bug infestations.2

Temprid Dust Coming Soon | Starts eliminating bed bugs in 10 minutes.3

“You bring us your expertise, and we’ll bring the tools and research to back you up.”
- Matt Remmen, Envu Technical Market Development Manager

We talked with Matt Remmen, technical market development manager for Envu Professional Pest Management, about the suite of solutions from Envu and how it’s revolutionizing bed bug treatment.

What does it mean that Envu is the Bed Bug HQ?

It means that Envu is the go-to for bed bug control. We have the experts and solutions to help pest management professionals determine if bed bugs are present and, if so, how to treat them. You bring us your expertise, and we’ll bring the tools and research to back you up.

What makes you excited for the Envu bed bug portfolio?

We have a market-leading solution, but we're not stopping there. There are three pieces to it: our TruDetx Bed Bug Rapid Test, Temprid FX insecticide and our new dust product. We can help you diagnose the problem quickly and then provide multiple tools to treat it.

How do these three products work together?

The TruDetx Bed Bug Rapid Test determines if bed bugs are present or not, even if there’s a low-level of infestation. For treatments, we have both the liquid Temprid FX insecticide and a dust product coming soon. You can ask our experts and choose the treatment that works best for your circumstances, so you can get to your solution faster.

Why is innovation around bed bugs so important?

Bed bugs have a high reproductive rate, are difficult to detect at low-level infestations and can show resistances to different insecticides. The need for early detection is critical, but up until now, we’ve been using very basic and often fallible means of detection.

TruDetx Bed Bug Rapid Test is the first tool in its category to detect bed bugs with a rapid test. It’s a proven technology that has never been applied to bed bugs before, but it has a 90% accuracy rate in just five minutes.1

See breakthroughs in bed bug solutions

1Ko, Alexander & Choe, Dong-Hwan. Development of a lateral flow test for bed bug detection. Scientific Reports 10:13376 (2020).
2Based on the percent of respondents who mention Temprid FX. Source: https://npmapestworld.org/default/assets/File/newsroom/magazine/2015/Nov-Dec 2015.pdf.
3Protocol OE18USAXKD.