Innovative Bed Bug Solutions From Envu: Tackling a Menace

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Bed bugs — they’re not just a nuisance but a menace that can take a toll on a customer’s mental and physical well-being. As infestations rise, addressing the problem demands solutions that are both innovative and effective. Envu, a leader in pest control, has stepped up to the challenge by offering an unmatched collection of total bed bug solutions. In a market that demands continuous innovation, Envu stands for helping pest management professionals (PMPs) with new solutions for this evolving and ever-elusive pest.

Innovative solutions are only the beginning, though. Envu also understands the importance of collaborating with you, the experts in the field. Our thought leaders are dedicated to partnering with you to leverage your knowledge and provide a suite of solutions. Like Alex Ko, Ph.D., product development manager, Envu Professional Pest Management, who explains the importance of understanding PMPs. “I firmly believe that it's important to put the customer front of mind when we're developing solutions for them. It's difficult to develop products for customers if you don't understand their problems,” says Ko.

With that unique understanding, Envu offers three bed bug solutions that are unmatched in the industry.

Confidence, control and coverage

The Envu bed bug portfolio consists of three key offerings: TruDetx™ Bed Bug Rapid Test, Temprid® FX insecticide and, Temprid® Dust. These products cover a spectrum of solutions for different stages of bed bug management and address the critical need for innovative tools in the battle against these persistent pests.

TruDetx™ Bed Bug Rapid Test

The commitment from Envu to innovation is exemplified by the creation of TruDetx Bed Bug Rapid, a revolutionary detection device. This lateral flow test delivers confidence by detecting even low-level infestations in five minutes with over 90% accuracy.* It’s a pioneering technology that not only sets Envu apart from competitors but also underscores its dedication to providing a range of solutions that address customer concerns head-on. “No other manufacturer has produced a lateral flow strip for detecting bed bugs, so this makes Envu quite unique in the market,” explains Ko.

temprid fx lock up

Temprid FX insecticide

Temprid FX insecticide is the industry’s #1 product for treating bed bug infestations.** Its formulation includes two active ingredients, imidacloprid and β-Cyfluthrin, which target bed bugs through different modes of action. This dual-action approach makes it highly effective against bed bugs and offers PMPs control they can count on.

temprid fx lock up

Temprid Dust coming soon

Envu is excited to introduce Temprid Dust for even greater coverage. Temprid Dust will introduce a new active ingredient, fluopyram, for the U.S. market, which starts working in 10 minutes.*** Ko underscores the importance of this novel mode of action. “It’s important to bring new modes of action into the market because you're bringing a tool that strains don't have inherent resistance to or haven't been exposed to. We think it will make a big difference,” says Ko. Additionally, thanks to its application versatility, it will be particularly useful for treating hard-to-reach areas such as cracks, crevices and other hidden spots where bed bugs often reside.

Commitment to customer-centric innovation

A dedication to customer-centric innovation is evident throughout all of the bed bug solutions from Envu. By developing products that extend beyond traditional insecticides, such as the revolutionary TruDetx Bed Bug Rapid Test, Envu aims to provide PMPs with more tools for successfully managing bed bug infestations. This commitment goes beyond mere sales as Envu emphasizes ongoing support, technical expertise and training for PMPs, ensuring that they are well equipped to address the unique challenges posed by bed bugs.

trudetx rapid test packaging

High stakes

Ko knows the importance of making sure PMPs have the solutions they need to combat bed bugs. “They affect our ability to sleep and rest. We simply can't function as human beings knowing that bed bugs are in our environment. It's why it’s so important to get this pest under control,” says Ko. By offering a range of products that address detection and control from different angles, Envu empowers PMPs to combat bed bug infestations with confidence and efficacy. As the battle against bed bugs rages on, innovative solutions from Envu provide relief and peace of mind for all.

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*Ko, Alexander & Choe, Dong-Hwan. Development of a lateral flow test for bed bug detection. Scientific Reports 10:13376 (2020).
**Based on the percent of respondents who mention Temprid FX. Source: 2015.pdf.
***Protocol OE18USAXKD.