Argentine Ant



  • One node segment with sharp, pointed peak
  • Brown; some light brown
  • Uneven thorax
  • 12-segmented antennae, no club
  • Sparse body hairs
  • No stinger
  • Monomorphic workers, 1/8 in (3.5 mm) long


Monomorphic workers, 1/8 in (3.5 mm) long

Feeding Preferences

Argentine ants prefer sweets such as honeydew, fruit juices and plant secretions but will also forage on proteins (meat, insects, eggs) and fats. They will even attack small, vulnerable animals.

Nest Sites

Argentine ant colonies live in moist areas near food sources. Colony numbers fluctuate seasonally, ranging from 100 to several hundred thousand workers and many queens. Foraging workers follow trails; winged queens can sometimes be found among them. Argentine ants live outdoors in shallow nests under boards and stones, beneath plants and along sidewalks. Argentine ants will also nest indoors.


Locate the nest by following the ants back from their food source. 

Where is the nest located?