Insects in Golf Turf

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As insect pests move and become more problematic in new geographies, superintendents need to expand control programs. Here’s some advice:

  • Insects on the move:
    • Annual white grubs (Japanese beetles, chafers, European chafers, etc.) are moving west into the Rocky Mountain States as well as into the Pacific Northwest. Once present in a geography, white grubs are becoming a permanent turf problem
    • Billbugs (hunting, bluegrass) are present throughout the country, but are becoming a more prolific problem in bermudagrass in southern climates
    • Caterpillars are also present throughout the country, and armyworm can spread north in any given summer depending on weather like what occurred in 2021
  • Insecticide options – All pest problems including insects are most efficiently and effectively controlled preventatively with long-lasting products like Merit®, Acelepryn® (Syngenta), or Envu’s latest insecticide, Tetrino®, which brings faster uptake and quicker control compared to other similar active ingredients
  • Application timing:
    • Best practice is to start applications for white grubs, billbugs, or caterpillars when adults are seen since damaging larvae are observed 1-3 weeks in the future
    • This is true for Merit and Tetrino, but Acelepryn requires more time for uptake so timing should be earlier
  • Watering-in – depends on the primary insect target
    • If targeting primarily soil borne insects like grubs or billbugs, water in insecticides
      • Merit: > 0.5 inch of irrigation
      • Tetrino: 0.125-0.25” of irrigation, this will not impact efficacy of caterpillars
    • If targeting primarily foliar feeders like caterpillars, watering-in is not essential with Tetrino
  • Need more info - Always read and follow the label, and contact your Envu area sales manager if you need assistance.

Approximate timing for preventative control of summer insects in golf turf. Regardless of the pest, most effective application timing is when adults are present.

  May-June  July August-Sept Notes
Annual white grubs  Merit
0.4 lbs ai/A
  Water-in with > 0.5"
32 oz/A
  Water-in with > 0.125-25”
Will also control caterpillars later in the summer
Billbugs and/or
Black turfgrass Ataenius 
0.4 lbs ai/A
    Water-in with > 0.5”
Will also control white grubs later in summer, but may require additional application in marginal weather summers or in high pressure areas
32 oz/A
    Water-in with > 0.125-25”
Will also control white grubs and caterpillars later in summer, but may require additional application in marginal weather summers or in high pressure areas
Annual bluegrass weevil Merit
0.4 lbs ai/A
    Water-in with > 0.5”. Merit is limited to one application per year, so include in a program with 2-3 applications of other larvicides and/or adulticides for managing resistance and season-long control
32 oz/A
32 oz/A
  Water-in with > 0.125-25. Combine in a program with 1-2 applications of other larvicides and/or adulticides of differing mode of action for managing resistance and season-long control
Early summer caterpillars
(cutworms or webworms)
32 oz/A
    No watering in needed
If also targeting white grubs, use 32 oz/A and/or consider a second application when adult beetles are seen
Fall caterpillars
(fall armyworm)
32 oz/A
No watering in needed
Will provide immediate knockdown plus residual control for 6-8 weeks depending on rate

pdf icon Solution sheet - Billbug
pdf icon Solution sheet - White grub - warm season

 Japanese beetles 

White grubs control should be applied when adults like these Japanese beetles are detected (Envu)

black turfgrass Aeteneuis

Controls for black turfgrass Aeteneuis should be applied when adults are detected in the mower baskets (Envu)