Understanding Phophonates Part 2: Fiata Stressgard vs the Other Phosphites

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Phosphites are now a staple in most golf turf management programs. Here’s a quick update explaining how they work and why Fiata® Stressgard® has an edge over the others.

  • What are phosphites? Produced when phosphonic acid is neutralized with an alkali salt resulting in mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorus acid – called potassium phosphites. Examples include Fiata Stressgard, Appear® II, and any number of products from other manufacturers
  • How do potassium phosphites work? Potassium phosphites are thought to work through direct inhibition of certain pathogens and via stimulation of natural plant defense mechanisms (known as SAR) that limit the spread after initial infection. Potassium phosphites are effective when used preventively to reduce infection by Pythium and during relatively low-level disease pressure
  • Is Chipco® Signature™™ and Signature™ XTRA Stressgard different that the potassium phosphites? YES! Signature products contain fosetyl-al which is reacted differently than potassium phosphites and has double the phosphorous acid concentration resulting in greater efficacy on key Pythium diseases
  • Adding Stressgard
    • Stimulation of natural plant defenses is an energy requiring process, thus the plant needs adequate photosynthesis to maintain its energy needs
    • We know from research that Stressgard increases chlorophyll content and bolsters photosynthesis, helping to overcome the increased energy demand of SAR, unlike other potassium phosphites
    • Stressgard also maintains cell integrity, and this is over and above disease control from the active ingredient
    • These added benefits help Fiata Stressgard to deliver greater turf protection beyond disease control compared to other potassium phosphites
  • Other benefits of Fiata Stressgard over standard phosphites
    • Improved turf safety of growth regulators when tank-mixed – minimizes the bronzing or yellowing when using Cutless®, Trimmit®, etc.
    • Faster green-up in spring when included in snow mold tank-mix
  • Need more info? – Read and follow all label information and contact your Envu Area Sales Manager for more information

understanding phosphites and phosphonates part 2

Area Under the Turf Quality Progress Curve (AUTQPC) during season-long applications of growth regulators with and without Fiata (S016, UMASS, M. DeCosta)