Product Overview
Up Your Game Against White Grub and ABW
Tetrino® is an innovative insecticide that offers fast-acting, season-long control of white grubs and annual bluegrass weevil (ABW). Featuring the active ingredient tetraniliprole, this game-changing technology also offers outstanding control of surface feeding caterpillars, billbugs, chinch bugs and more, working quickly for immediate cessation of insect feeding following exposure. With flexible use patterns and a broad-spectrum of activity, Tetrino is the perfect fit for any schedule, agronomic program, and budget.
Key Benefits
// Season-long control of white grubs with a single application
// Fast-acting systemic control of all ABW larval stages
// Flexible use rates and application timing to fit any agronomic program, allowing for a preventive or early curative approach
// Outstanding control of caterpillars, including fall armyworms, black cutworm, and sod webworm
// Affordable innovation enabling you to protect more acres across your course
Use & Control
Annual bluegrass weevil, white grubs, caterpillars, black cutworms, fall armyworms, sod webworms, billbugs, chinch bugs, Asiatic garden beetles, green June beetles, Japanese beetles, May/June beetles, oriental beetles, sugarcane beetles, European chafers, Northern masked chafer, Southern masked chafer and black turfgrass ataenius and aphodius.
See the product label for the full list of pests.
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