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Product Overview

Controls many annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaf weeds in conifer plantations and non-crop sites.

Oust® EXTRA herbicide provides long-lasting foliar and residual control of a broad-spectrum of woody vines, troublesome brush and broadleaf weeds. It’s long lasting, reducing the need for reapplication. When applied in late summer, early fall or winter, it helps provide herbaceous weed control the following spring. It’s also easy to mix and use, even after wind and rain delays.

Key Benefits

  • Low odor, low volatility and low use rates
  • Easy to mix
  • Re-suspends quickly after weather delays to improve downtime
  • Not a federally restricted-use pesticide

Use & Control

Weeds, Vines and Brush Controlled

Broadleaf weeds and grasses: Annual bluegrass, bahiagrass, barnyardgrass, crabgrass and more
Vines: Blackberry, dewberry, honeysuckle, multiflora rose (wild roses) and more
Brush: Ash, cherry, hawthorn, rubus and more
NOTE: Do not use on crops.

Always read and follow label instructions. See the product label for a full list of weeds controlled.


What is Oust EXTRA?

Oust EXTRA is a preemergence and postemergence herbicide that controls many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in conifer plantations and non-crop sites.

What are the active ingredients in Oust EXTRA herbicide?

Oust EXTRA is a water-dispersible granule consisting of Sulfometuron-methyl and Metsulfuron-methyl.

How is Oust EXTRA applied?

Oust EXTRA herbicide is mixed in water and applied as a spray or impregnated on dry, bulk fertilizer. Apply sprays by ground equipment or by helicopter. Apply impregnated fertilizer by ground equipment or by air (helicopter or fixed wing aircraft). See the product label for application rates and mixing instructions.

Is Oust EXTRA labeled in California?

Oust EXTRA herbicide is not labeled in California. Consider Velpar DF or Oust XP for use in California. See product labels for more information.

How does Oust EXTRA work?

When applied as a spray, Oust EXTRA herbicide is absorbed by both the roots and foliage of plants, rapidly inhibiting the growth of susceptible weeds. When applied on dry fertilizer, Oust EXTRA is absorbed primarily by the roots. Two to 3 weeks after application to weeds, leaf growth slows, and the growing points turn reddish-purple. Within 4 to 6 weeks of application, leaf veins and leaves become discolored, and the growing points subsequently die.

Where can Oust EXTRA be applied?

Oust EXTRA herbicide can be applied to control many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in conifer plantations and non-crop sites and also may be used to control certain hardwoods and vines when applied in site preparation treatments. Oust EXTRA may be used on non-agricultural sites for general weed control and for selective weed control of certain types of industrial turf grasses.

It may be applied on sites that contain areas of temporary surface water collection between planting beds, in equipment ruts, or in other depressions created by management activities. It is permissible to treat intermittently flooded low lying sites, seasonally dry flood plains, and transitional areas between upland and lowland sites when no water is present. It is also permissible to treat marshes, swamps and bogs after water has receded, as well as seasonally dry flood deltas.

What grasses and broadleaf weeds does Oust EXTRA control?

Broadleaf Weeds and Grasses: Annual bluegrass, bahiagrass, barnyardgrass, crabgrass and more

Vines: Blackberry, dewberry, honeysuckle, multiflora rose (wild roses) and more

When is the best time to apply Oust EXTRA?

To control herbaceous weeds, the best results are obtained when Oust EXTRA herbicide is applied before or during the early stages of weed growth, before weeds develop an established root system. For best postemergence results, apply Oust EXTRA to young, actively growing weeds. The best results on undesirable hardwoods and vines are obtained with a foliar spray between full leaf expansion in the spring and normal defoliation in the fall.

Can Oust EXTRA be mixed with other herbicides?

Oust EXTRA herbicide can be tank-mixed with other herbicides registered for use in conifer plantations and non-crop sites. Read and follow the applicable restrictions and limitations and directions for use on all product labels involved in tank mixing.

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