Custom Blending Benefits

The Benefits of Custom Blended Technology

How Do Custom Blends Improve Vegetation Management?

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Envu offers custom blends to provide the highest level of precision, efficiency and overall accountability for herbicide applications. Mixing in the field increases the likelihood that herbicide mixtures will vary between applications. This can lead to limited control, overapplication and increased expenses.

Top Five Benefits of Envu Custom Blends


Improve operations.
Eliminate the need for onsite mixing and ensure precise mix ratios.


Save time and money.
Purchase the correct amount of product to reduce storage, transportation and labor costs.


Support worker safety.
Lower exposure hazard for workers and mitigate product spill potential.


Advocate environmental stewardship.
Minimize triple washing of containers, reduce wash effluent and eliminate packaging waste.


Build better business practices.
Promote accountability and better record keeping
through product tracking and barcoding.

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