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Plainview SC


Plainview SC

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Product Overview

Built-in herbicide management with three modes-of-action

Plainview® SC is a liquid bareground solution that provides long-residual and broad-spectrum control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses. It manages difficult-to-control weeds while improving applicator efficiency.

Key Benefits

  • Broad-spectrum post activity reduces the need for glyphosate.
  • Built-in Herbicide Resistance Management – three modes-of-action (MOA) for broadleaf weeds and grasses (Addition of glyphosate provides 4 MOAs).
  • Long residual control with low rates of active ingredient
  • Standard PPE (gloves, long-sleeve shirt, long pants, shoes, socks). No respirator required.
  • Requires less measuring and mixing and is easier to handle than high-rate dry herbicides.

Use & Control

  • Plainview SC is a suspension concentrate
  • Flexible application timing, including fall and winter applications
  • For best control of perennial grasses, apply prior to dormancy or include glyphosate tank-mix partner
  • Application methods include backpack, hand gun and broadcast boom
  • Rate range is 32 to 64 oz./A with an average rate of 48 oz./A. (Rate depends on weed spectrum and pressure, climate, and historical herbicide use on the site.)


What is Plainview SC?

Plainview SC is a non-selective, liquid herbicide that provides long-residual and broad-spectrum control of undesirable vegetation in areas where bareground is desired.

What are the active ingredients in Plainview SC?

Plainview SC herbicide is a suspension concentrate that is a pre-mix formulation of indaziflam (Group 29 Herbicide), aminocyclopyrachlor (Group 4 Herbicide) and imazapyr (Group 2 Herbicide).

Where can Plainview SC be applied?

Plainview SC herbicide is a suspension concentrate formulation to be mixed with water and applied as a diluted spray solution to terrestrial non-crop areas including railroads, highway rights-of-way, industrial areas, utilities, airports, government and military installations, tank farms, pumping stations, storage areas, utility substations, wind farms, solar farms, communication towers, lumberyards, around farm buildings, non-irrigation ditch banks, fence rows, and manufacturing sites.

What time of year should Plainview SC be applied?

Plainview SC herbicide may be applied any time of year, however, for best results apply several weeks prior to the germination of weeds or when weeds are young and actively growing. In general, annual weeds will be controlled by preemergence or postemergence applications of Plainview SC. For established perennial weeds, postemergence foliar applications of Plainview SC are advised.

Does Plainview SC need to be watered in?

For preemergence weed control, Plainview SC requires rainfall (0.25 inches) within several weeks after application to activate the herbicide.

How long does Plainview SC stay active?

The duration of Plainview SC residual preemergence weed control is dependent upon the weed species present, the rate applied, weather and soil conditions. Longer residual control will be achieved when higher rates of Plainview SC herbicide are used in areas with sensitive weed species, lower precipitation and cooler temperatures. Extremes in conditions, such as higher than average rainfall or temperature, or soils that are high in organic matter content, can significantly reduce the duration of control.

What grasses and broadleaf weeds does Plainview SC control?

Plainview SC herbicide controls the following key grasses and broadleaf weeds. See the product label for a complete list.

Grasses: Ryegrass, bromegrass, broomsedge, crabgrass, foxtail, goosegrass, cheatgrass, barnyardgrass, Johnsongrass, sprangletop.

Broadleaves: Field bindweed, knapweed, kochia, horseweed/marestail, pigweed, leafy spurge, thistles.

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