Cows grazing field

Experience the Transformative Power of Rejuvra Herbicide
Take the Rejuvra 360
Plot Tour

Rejuvra<sup>®</sup> herbicide is the next generation of herbicides that stops invasive cheatgrass so forage can thrive for the long haul.

Discover the benefits by clicking the icons and exploring the facts in the Rejuvra 360 virtual plot tour.

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Rejuvra herbicide can help you break the cheatgrass cycle and increase forage quality for the long haul.

High-quality forage means you can do more with less. You’ll see more pounds of beef per acre with lower feed costs and reduced labor costs.

“In one of our studies, we found that untreated land was at 300 pounds per acre. But on the treated land, it was at over 4,000 pounds per acre. So those results are quite dramatic.”

Dave Arthun, Montana

Start seeing strong returns
of your own with the help of
Rejuvra herbicide.

Contact your Envu Representative today.


Rejuvra Herbicide
Reclaim the range
Reclaim the range
Rejuvra Herbicide
Rejuvra Herbicide
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