Dismiss South
Product Overview
Dismiss® South is a specially formulated premix herbicide for better control against purple nutsedge in warm-season grasses. This formulation goes beyond attacking the weed at the surface and controlling sedge tubers. This works to help prevent future outbreaks, reducing the need for re-treats down the line.
Key Benefits
- Superior control and enhanced efficacy against Purple Nutsedge - Visible Results in 24 hours
- Strong defense against future breakouts by controlling sedge tubers
- Active ingredients: Sulfentrazone + Imazethapyr
- HRAC Group: 14, 2
Use & Control
Dismiss® South herbicide is specifically formulated to achieve fast and visible results against Purple Nutsedge in warm-season grasses. Containing the active ingredients sulfentrazone and imazethaypr, Dismiss South is unique due to its enhanced efficacy against Purple Nutsedge, going beyond attacking the weed at the surface by penetrating the soil and controlling sedge tubers. Results can be seen in 24 hours while also working to prevent future outbreaks, reducing the need for re-treats down the line and helping to minimize chemical and labor costs for you. Dismiss South is an easy-to-use, premixed formula that also controls Green Kyllinga and Yellow Nutsedge. It is labeled for use on golf courses (fairways and roughs), athletic fields, residential, commercial and institutional lawns.
Note: Dismiss South is not for use on St. Augustinegrass.
- Green Kyllinga
- Purple Nutsedge
- Yellow Nutsedge
State Approvals
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia