Protects down to the core

Castlon™ fungicide uses the original fluoxastrobin formulation with proven technology. Its strobilurin disease spectrum, efficient leaf dissemination and fast translaminar and xylem movement ensure protection.
Castlon™ fungicide uses the original fluoxastrobin formulation with proven technology. Its strobilurin disease spectrum, efficient leaf dissemination and fast translaminar and xylem movement ensure protection.
Castlon’s liquid formulation allows flexibility to use as a standalone or easy tank-mix to boost results , while systemic and translaminar movement aids in complete plant protection on warm- and cool-season grasses.
It controls turf diseases, on warm- season turf like: |
And, on cool-season turf: | Plus, it’s rainfast in 15 minutes, providing flexibility around unpredictable weather |
Recommended rate for Castlon for brown patch control on tall fescue is 0.18 fl oz/1000ft2 ($160/A)
Castlon has been federally approved. Check back often to see its registration status in your state and contact your Envu representative to learn more about this new innovation.
This map was most recently updated July 19, 2024.