Product Overview
Key Benefits
Systemic control of Pythium species
- Non-phytotoxic and safe on young seedlings
- Excellent control of cool-season Pythium root rot
- Ideal in rotational disease resistance program
Use & Control
Pythium blight, Pythium damping off and Pythium root rot
Pythium blight (Cottony blight, Grease spot), Phytophthora, Pythium damping off and Pythium root rot.
Please see the product label for a full list of diseases.
Apply to commercially-grown ornamentals in greenhouses and container-grown ornamentals in nurseries by soil-directed drench only.
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Where can Banol be applied?
Banol can be applied as a drench application in greenhouses and container-grown nurseries.
Can Banol be injected through irrigation systems?
No, chemigation is not an approved use pattern on the label.
Can Banol be tank-mixed with other products?
Banol is highly compatible with other products. For control of other soilborne diseases, it can be tank-mixed with products such as Prostar®, Chipco® 26019 and Compass®.
What is the re-entry interval (REI) when using Banol?
The REI for Banol is 24 hours.
What personal protective equipment (PPE) is required when using Banol?
Coveralls, shoes plus socks and chemical-resistant gloves are required. Also, a chemical resistant apron is needed when making dip applications.
Can Banol be used to control chemical-resistant Pythium isolates?
In many cases, Banol will provide effective control of Pythium isolates identified with resistance to other fungicides, such as mefanoxam. Banol has a unique multi-site mode of action with a low risk potential for resistance.
Which types of Phytophthora does Banol control?
Banol is effective on all types of Phytophthora, including root, stem and aerial/foliar diseases.
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