Product Overview
Resilia Root Health Solution is an all-in-one fungicide and nematicide which protects your roots from destructive soilborne diseases and suppresses harmful nematode populations. With its broad-spectrum control of soil-borne pathogens, Resilia allows your roots to stay healthy and reach their full potential—plus keeps your turf playable all season long. It’s simple to add into either cool-season or warm-season programs too, having a single rate for all labeled diseases and one jug treating exactly two acres.
Resilia is not yet registered in all states.
Key Features
- Allows your roots to stay healthy and reach their full potential by controlling major root diseases of both cool-season and warm-season turf.
- Works well in combination and rotation with Stressgard® branded fungicides
- Can help safeguard turf resilience and health in both cool- and warm-season programs.
Use & Control
- Fairy Ring
- Mini-Ring
- Pythium Root Rot
- Spring Dead Spot
- Summer Patch
- Take-all Patch
- Take-All Root Rot
- Nematodes (suppression only)
Please see product label for full list of diseases and 2ee for Mini -Ring.
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What role does Resilia play in overall turf management?
It effectively safeguards roots, allowing them to stay healthy and reach their full potential. This is critical because a healthy root system can help turf better withstand a myriad of abiotic and biotic stresses.
What is the benefit in applying Resilia preventatively?
Pathogens that cause root diseases can infect turfgrass weeks or even months before visible symptoms appear above ground. That means damage is being done well before a diagnosis is even made. It’s a tough lesson to learn, but preventative applications are often more cost-effective than curative applications.
What root diseases does Resilia help control?
Pythium root rot, fairy ring, mini-ring, spring dead spot, summer patch, take-all patch and take-all root rot can all be effectively prevented and controlled with Resilia.
In addition to its efficacy against specific root diseases, what are the overall benefits of Resilia for turfgrass health?
By protecting the roots, Resilia helps the plant stay healthy and better withstand various stressors, making it more resilient overall. A healthy root system also promotes better uptake of water and nutrients, which leads to improved turfgrass quality, density and color.
Does Resilia™ root health solution have any long-term benefits?
Based on a study conducted at Pinehurst No. 2, it’s in the long term where the effects of Resilia are actually most visible. From April to July 2023, Envu applied Resilia to plots of turf and saw little to no immediate difference in turf color or quality. Fast-forward a year later and the difference was undeniably visible. The plots where Resilia was applied the year prior were greener, denser and healthier than those where it was not.
Is it true Resilia controls nematodes too?
Yes. Resilia contains fluopyram, an SDHI fungicide/nematicide that suppresses pathogenic nematodes.
When should Resilia be applied to control root diseases in cool-season turf?
Most root diseases of cool-season turf become active in the spring and produce symptoms in the heat of summer. Thus, it’s critical to begin applications in the spring, when soil temperatures are between 55 and 65 degrees, and continue every 14 to 28 days depending on the historical root disease pressure at the site.
When should Resilia be applied to control root diseases in warm-season turf?
Inversely, most warm-season root diseases become active in midsummer and produce symptoms in the shoulder seasons. That means the most important time to protect against root diseases in warm-season turf is in the summer when soil temperatures drop below 80 degrees.
Can Resilia be used to manage multiple root diseases simultaneously?
Yes. Its optimized combination of active ingredients provides control of a broad spectrum of root diseases. For example, an application in late spring on cool-season putting greens will provide simultaneous control of fairy ring and summer patch, all while kick-starting your Pythium root rot program.
Should Resilia be watered in?
Absolutely. Research shows that root fungicide applications should be watered in as soon as possible with at least 0.125 inch of post-application irrigation.
Related Resources
Product Guides
White Papers
Special Labels
State Approvals
Resilia has been federally approved. Check back often to see its registration status in your state and contact your Envu representative to learn more about this innovation.

This map was most recently updated on December 11, 2023. Note: Resilia is not approved in Nassau & Suffolk Counties, New York.
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