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Product Overview

The most versatile tool in selective roadside management.

Derigo® controls many invasive grasses and broadleaf weeds while promoting healthy grass cover and offering unparalleled versatility for managing warm-season grasses on roadsides. Not only does it target a broad-spectrum of troublesome grassy and broadleaf weeds, it also provides seedhead and growth suppression benefits on bahiagrass – replacing the need for multiple products. New technology like Derigo opens the door to improved conditions on highway roadsides and to a more sustainable management program over time.

Key Benefits

  • Low volatility, low use rate combination of active ingredients for roadside use
  • Seedhead and growth suppression benefits on bahiagrass
  • Effective against more than 30 species of undesirable grasses and more than 100 broadleaf weeds
  • Encourages healthy growth of desirable warm-season grass types including bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, centipedegrass and bahiagrass
  • Helps roadside managers reduce mowing intervals by controlling undesirable plants and promoting conditions for desirable, low-growing roadside grasses

Use & Control

Weeds Controlled

Broadleaf weeds: Buckhorn plantain, curly dock, dandelion, dogfennel, giant ragweed, horseweed/marestail, prostrate spurge, wild carrot, wild mustard
Grassy weeds: Carpetgrass, dallisgrass*, fescue, foxtail species, goosegrass, Johnsongrass*, ryegrass, vaseygrass*

*Weeds may need a second application of this product for acceptable control.

Always read and follow label instructions. See the product label for a full list of weeds controlled.


What is Derigo?

Derigo is a postemergence herbicide that controls many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses in desirable warm-season grasses such as bermudagrass, centipedegrass and zoysiagrass, and in bareground sites. Derigo can also be used to suppress bahiagrass to reduce mowing requirements.

What are the active ingredients in Derigo herbicide?

Derigo is a water-dispersible granule containing three active ingredients: thiencarbazone-methyl, iodosulfuron-methyl and foramsulfuron.

How does Derigo work?

The active ingredients in Derigo herbicide inhibit acetolactate synthase (ALS), an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of amino acids that are essential for plant growth. Weed growth ceases within hours after a postemergence application. Symptoms progress from yellowing or reddening/purpling to eventual plant death within 1 to 4 weeks after application, depending on the sensitivity of the weed and environmental conditions.

Where can Derigo be applied?

Derigo herbicide can be used on warm-season grasses including bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and centipedegrass in areas such as highway roadsides, non-irrigation ditch banks, pipelines, airports and railroads, utility rights-of-way, parks, and other manufacturing and commercial sites. Do not use on crops, residential or commercial turf, sod farms, golf courses, or in cool-season grass types.

What grasses and broadleaf weeds does Derigo control?

Derigo herbicide controls more than 130 broadleaf and grassy weeds, including the following. See the product label for a complete list.

Broadleaf Weeds: Buckhorn plantain, curly dock, dandelion, dogfennel, giant ragweed, horseweed (marestail), prostrate spurge, wild carrot, wild mustard
*Not for use in California

Grasses: Carpetgrass, dallisgrass*, fescue species, foxtail species, goosegrass, johnsongrass*, ryegrass, vaseygrass*
*Weeds may need a second application of this product for acceptable control.

How is Derigo applied?

Derigo herbicide is a dispersible granule that is mixed in water and applied as a spray by broadcast or spot applications. Uniform, thorough spray coverage of the targeted weeds with properly calibrated spray equipment is important to achieve consistent weed control. See the product label for application rates and mixing instructions.

What are the correct usage rates for Derigo?

For general weed control, apply Derigo herbicide at a rate of 3 to 6 ounces per year (do not exceed 6 ounces per acre per year). For bahiagrass growth regulation, apply at a rate of 1.5 to 3 ounces per acre.

When is the best time to apply Derigo?

Weeds should be actively growing when Derigo herbicide is applied to ensure its effectiveness. Weed control may be reduced if application is made when weeds are dust-covered or in the presence of heavy dew, fog, and mist/rain, or when weeds are under stress due to drought. Apply spray mixtures within 5 days of mixing to avoid product degradation. Rainfall within 2 hours of spray drying may result in reduced weed control and may necessitate retreatment.

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