Print page Herbicide

Velpar DF VU

Also labelled for use in these areas:

Forestry Management

Velpar DF VU

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Product Overview

Broad-spectrum control of weeds and brush.

Velpar® DF VU is used for site preparation, conifer release and herbaceous weed control, and is especially effective in Longleaf Pine ecosystem restoration in the Southeast. It can be applied as a broadcast spray or a spot treatment. Most importantly, it delivers outstanding, broad-spectrum control of broadleaf weeds, grasses and woody brush (especially Oak) for rapid stand development.

Key Benefits

  • Low use rates
  • Non-corrosive
  • Not a federally restricted-use pesticide

Use & Control

Weeds, Grass and Brush Controlled

Weeds and grass: Barnyardgrass, dandelion, dogfennel, foxtail, marestail and more
Brush: Cherry, elm, oak, sweetgum and more
NOTE: Do not use on crops.

Always read and follow label instructions. See the product label for a full list of weeds controlled.


What is Velpar DF VU?

Velpar® DF VU herbicide is an effective general herbicide providing both contact and residual control of many annual and biennial weeds and woody plants. It is also effective for control of most perennial weeds.

What is the active ingredient in Velpar DF VU?

Velpar DF VU herbicide is a water-dispersible granule containing hexazinone (Group 5 herbicide).

How does Velpar DF VU work?

Velpar DF VU herbicide is absorbed through the roots and foliage. It moves through the conductive tissues to the leaves, where it blocks the photosynthesis of the plant within the chloroplasts. It ultimately causes a loss of chlorophyll, leakage of cellular contents, cell death, and eventually the death of the plant.

Where can Velpar DF VU be applied?

Velpar DF VU herbicide can be applied as a spray for weed control in Christmas trees, forestry site preparation and release areas, and in industrial areas. It may also be applied as a basal soil treatment for brush control in reforestation areas, rangeland, pastures, and non-crop areas.

What grasses and broadleaf weeds does Velpar DF VU control?

Velpar DF VU herbicide provides broad-spectrum control of weeds, grass and brush, including the following. See the product label for a complete list.

Weeds and grasses: Barnyardgrass, bromegrass, dandelion, foxtail, marestail, pinegrass, squawcarpet and more

Brush: Black cherry, deerbrush, elm, greenleaf manzanita, oaks, snowbrush, sweetgum, willows and more

When is the best time to apply Velpar DF VU herbicide?

For best results, apply Velpar DF VU herbicide before weeds and brush have emerged, or when emerged weeds are less than 2 inches in height or diameter.

Southeast Forestry: Apply in the spring to early summer.

Eastern U.S.: Apply Velpar DF VU herbicide from early spring to early summer after hardwoods have broken bud and before full leaf expansion.

Western U.S. Rainbelt (areas of high spring rainfall): For best results, apply in late winter or spring when brush is actively growing, but prior to conifer budbreak. Dormant trees are less susceptible to injury.

Snowbelt (areas of low spring rainfall): For best results, apply in the fall before soil freezes and after the final resting bud has hardened on the conifers. Spring applications may be made after snow cover melts in anticipation of rainfall prior to conifer budbreak.

Does Velpar DF VU require rainfall to be effective?

Best results are obtained when the soil is moist at the time of application and when ¼ to ½ inches of rainfall occurs within 2 weeks after application. If rainfall after application is inadequate to activate Velpar DF VU herbicide in the soil, plants may recover from contact effects and continue to grow.

How is Velpar DF VU applied?

Velpar DF VU herbicide may be applied by ground equipment and, where permitted, aerial equipment. See the product label for use rates, minimum spray gallonage, and other application information for various uses.

Can Velpar DF VU be applied to water?

Velpar DF VU can be applied near or around bodies of water, but not applied directly to water. Do not apply Velpar DF VU herbicide to natural or man-made bodies of water such as lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, and canals. Velpar DF VU may be applied on agricultural and non-agricultural sites that contain areas of temporary surface water caused by collection of water between planting beds, in equipment ruts, or in other depressions created by management activities. It is permissible to treat intermittent drainage, intermittently flooded low lying sites, seasonally dry flood plains, and transitional areas between upland and lowland sites when no water is present. It is also permissible to treat marshes, swamps, and bogs after water has receded, as well as seasonally dry flood deltas.

Can Velpar DF VU be mixed with other herbicides?

Velpar DF VU herbicide may be tank-mixed with other herbicides and/or adjuvants registered for the uses specified in the label. Refer to the label of the tank mix partner(s) for any additional use instructions or restrictions. The most restrictive label provisions apply. If other label instructions conflict with instructions on the Velpar DF VU label, do not tank-mix the herbicide and/or adjuvant with Velpar DF VU.

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